All your data, chattable.

Chat across all of your documents and tools to find answers.
Say goodbye to traditional search 👋

All your data, chattable.

Chat across all of your documents and tools to find answers.
Say goodbye to traditional search 👋

All your data, chattable.

Chat across all of your documents and tools to find answers.
Say goodbye to traditional search 👋

Search that's actually delightful

Ask Omo to build a report, provide updates, or track down an answer. Spend less time searching and more time on deep work.

Connect all of your
existing software

File Manager
File Manager
File Manager

Dozens of integrations. Connect all of your apps and search against them in one place.

Analytics - Bufget Expenses
Analytics - Bufget Expenses
Analytics - Bufget Expenses

Syncs continuously. Your data is constantly changing, so Omo always keeps it in sync.

Find exactly what you need

Information is scattered. Let Omo be your single source of truth.

Information is scattered. Let Omo be your single source of truth.

Responses grounded in facts

Trust, but verify. Every response from Omo is grounded in your data with source citations to back it up.


What LLM do you use? Can I use a different one?

What LLM do you use? Can I use a different one?

What LLM do you use? Can I use a different one?

Can I host Omo within my own cloud?

Can I host Omo within my own cloud?

Can I host Omo within my own cloud?

Do you offer APIs?

Do you offer APIs?

Do you offer APIs?

Is my data secure with OmoAI?

Is my data secure with OmoAI?

Is my data secure with OmoAI?

What support options do you provide?

What support options do you provide?

What support options do you provide?

What if OmoAI doesn't support an integration I need?

What if OmoAI doesn't support an integration I need?

What if OmoAI doesn't support an integration I need?